2.10. Print

A set of charts in Draw 3 can be printed by using a combination of Ctrl + P or choose from the menu File and Print. The output will be a time range visible at any given time in the third Draw 3.

All graphs are printed on its vertical axis Y, together with the described units. Under graph provides information about the parameters (values: maximum, minimum and average) and the graph (node name, the name of the parameter set, the selected data and the period of Display type of medium, eg one month).

In the print options you can select the number of printed Y-axis - from the menu Tools, Settings and Number of printed axes or use the shortcut Ctrl + X.

Notatka: The printout does not appear dimmed graphs (charts of extinction - Sekcja 2.9).

Before printing can view a preview - the menu, select File and then Print preview .