2.3. Starting the program

Typically, you will run the program Handle ± c the program SZARP Control Center (SCC). Just click the left mouse button on the icon and choose an interesting SCC us heating plant or substation (more information about SCC can see the Control Center SZARP [ pdf ]). The start (here on Linux) is shown below:

Rysunek 2-1. SZARP Control Center - launch the viewer (Linux)

Notatka: To start the program browsing, you need to have access to data that will be displayed in him. You can login to the system directly (running Linux), or (in the case of Windows) using X-terminal emulator (such as Cygwin). SCC program automatically displays the names of all the heat (or other objects) for which data are available.

During the start Draw 3 reads configuration operates a database query and displays its main window. At the time display window with a progress bar:

To see the support the basic functions of the program, go to Sekcja 2.4.

Notatka: See also Sekcja 3.22 to learn how to start program from the command line.

To complete the program, close the window, select Close File menu or click on the icon with the door located on the bottom of the window.