10-seconds probes available

The best things about SZARP are it’s historical data analyse possibilities. Until know, these possibilities where limited to 10-minutes resolution. It’s usually sufficient for main SZARP applications, which are slow-reactintg heating systems, but it became an important gap between functionality of SZARP and other SCADA systems. But last unstable versions contain working (usually…) implementation of saving and displaying probes with 10-seconds resolution.

Draw3 displaying 10-seconds probes

SZARP was always capable of collecting and displaying data with few-seconds resolution, but only 10-minutes average values where recorded in database and available for displaying and analysing historical trends. Currently a new process (prober) for saving 10-seconds average values to disk is introduced. Data is saved to disk in specialized format, similar to current szbase format used for 10-minutes probes. New data is kept outside synchronized config/data pool – there’s to many data to fit into current Internet synchronization/distribution scheme.

Another process, probes_server allows to access locally saved data through TCP protocol. Main SZARP data-access library was extended to allow for real-time querying of probes_server for data requested by application. It brings 10-seconds probes to Draw3 program (along with Lua scripting and old-style defined parameters) and possibly to other applications, as Extractor (but it currently requires a little more work).

10-seconds probes are available anywhere within network connectivity to source SZARP server. It works out of box on traditional server and local terminals installations, but it’s also possible to tunnel data through VPN for remote access.

There’s still some work going on (for example, fixes in Windows version of draw3 program), but new feature should soon become enough polished to be included in the next stable version.