SZARP in 2012

Happy New Year to all SZARP users!
SZARP development team is happy to share with you a list of cool stuff that happend to your favourite SCADA suite at the beginning of new and the end of previous year:

  • January saw introduction of libpyszbase Python module into SZARP. This module gives Python application direct access to SZARP database (szbase). Libpyszbase module contains functions for searching and accessing data in szbase and calculating all types of average values (including 10-seconds probes). One of the goals of introducing this library (apart from the fact that such library is simply cool thing to have) was to ease SZARP integration with other information systems. In various deployment scenarios, quite often a need arises to periodically export data from SZARP to some other system in the format specific for such system (let it be (In)SQL database, XML, some proprietary format, etc.). For such application Python proved to be indispensable tool. Previously when faced with such task we were resolving to calling szbase extraction tools from Python scripts and parsing their output, such solution was less than ideal – inefficient, cumbersome not not very elegant. With pyszbase one can access szbase without any overhead of this kind.
  • Development of pyipk further progressed. At this moment it is possible browse and edit existing params.xml files using drag and drop. The goal is to make pyipk an app that can be used to create SZARP configurations from scratch.
  • A minor bug in k601 daemon was fixed.
  • Improved stability of remarks server – when connection to a database drops it automatically gets reestablished
  • SZARP codebase was adopted to latest version of boost library, SZARP binary packages no longer depend on slightly outdated boost 1.42 and are using boost libs that come with current Debian/Ubuntu distros
  • Draw3: as a consequence of network params and sets introduction, handling of incomplete/invalid users sets was overhauled. Invalid graphs are no longer automatically removed, they remain in configuration but are unusable and are marked with ‘***’ sign.
  • Speedup in initialization of szbase engine – esp. noticeable for configurations with large number of drawdefinable RPN params.
  • Documentation of XYZ graphs was extended to cover description of variants of this type of graphs also we added detailed explanation on how those graphs are generated.